What is a UPS?
UPS stands for “Uninterruptible Power Supply.” It serves as a battery backup that provides emergency power during an outage. Power outages in underground mining environments pose a significant threat to personnel safety. What sets the UPS apart from regular generators is that the UPS provides an uninterrupted power source—meaning it delivers instant protection to the equipment and keeps network systems operational during power fluctuations and losses—something that generators cannot provide.
UPS systems are typically utilised in industries wherein power interruption may cause significant disruptions, hardware damage, data loss, injuries, and even death. Some of these industries include mining, data centres, and telecommunications.
As such, it is critical that these UPS systems are regularly monitored to ensure their optimal performance.
Introducing The FireFly UPS Control Panel
Engineered to support the deployment of FireFly smart lighting, the FireFly UPS also serves as a communications hub that can be easily and affordably deployed to the operational mining areas.
The FireFly UPS Control Panel is an intelligent decentralised power system designed specifically to drive underground industrial LED lighting circuits. The UPS panel is wall-mounted and supplies a +48VDC power feed, which can drive four individual strings of FireFly LED lights at 30 modules per string.
FireFly UPS Control Panels can operate as a standalone lighting cell, or they can be connected to the central control server to form a site-wide smart lighting network.
Features of the FireFly UPS Control Panel
- Wi-Fi and Ethernet Connectivity
FireFly UPS Control Panels can be connected to the client’s network via wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi communications for monitoring and control. They can also be configured via the Wi-Fi connection to the controller using a web browser on a phone, tablet, or laptop.
- Central Monitoring Via Local Web Application
Each FireFly UPS Control Panel is remotely monitored and managed across a mine’s network via its own web application. The app features a comprehensive yet straightforward interface that alerts maintenance staff to discover new or replacement FireFly modules and allows them to monitor electrical circuit health. Notifications are issued for system or component faults, meaning users can quickly fault-find or identify any maintenance issues.
Why is Remote Monitoring Useful?
One of the big mistakes about UPS deployments is that many of them have no remote monitoring function, probably because it is not easy to fulfil; transductors and an I/O controller are necessary to add into the enclosure locally.
On the other hand, adding all these signals to an existing SCADA system or implementing a dedicated remote supervision system is necessary, making it challenging to implement.
The remote monitoring of whatever system should add value beyond supervising the electrical conditions. Also, a UPS monitoring feature should at least fulfil the criteria below:
- Dedicated Local I/O Controller
- Ethernet connection
- Plug and play running
- AC Supervision
At IoT Automation, we develop our dedicated controller that regulates the operation of the battery charger, as well as the dedicated power to keep the load operating. So, in the event of power outages, the controller automatically switches the battery power on the output to interrupt the operation of the load. See below a basic layout of the IoT UPS CONTROLLER:
Versatile and Powerful Solution
The FireFly UPS control panel is modular, meaning its internal components can be interchanged to suit the required function and assist with maintenance and repairs. It can support other DC-powered communications systems such as Network Infrastructure and some Leaky Feeder systems.
Benefits of UPS Monitoring Via the FireFly Web
Real-time Monitoring and Alerts
FireFly UPS Control Panels notifies problems or malfunctions, ensuring that critical issues are immediately resolved.
Remote Monitoring
UPS enables operators to control the system in remote locations without having to dispatch technicians for alarms.
Reduction in Service Visits
Network connectivity allows operators to reboot UPS units remotely to re-establish availability without dispatching a technician. You can also schedule automatic reboots and shutdowns of UPS units and connected equipment.
Report Generation
Track the performance and status of UPS systems connected to the network.
FireFly – Pioneering Smart Lighting